Ancient Future Ministries
Ancient Future Ministries
Love, Reach &Teach
Dr. Val recently returned from a trip to the Latin American Caribbean
He spoke to a team of pastors and missionaries.
Specifically, he spoke on the Biblical definition of marriage which is under
attack in many countries today.
Additionally, he held a day-long seminar on the theology of worship as it pertains to individual discipleship and corporate worship.
We continue to teach via Zoom. Praying with groups around the
world via Google Meet. We are also engaged in fellowship with
believers via WhatsApp and Signal.
As these projects come online we will need funds to provide
equipment lear and perhaps internet access for difficult-to-reach
areas. We will bring our needs to you for your prayerful
consideration when we have confirmed needs.
Follow our weekly podcasts
Mission Statement
Mission Statement
Ancient Future Ministries, Inc. (AFM) exists to fulfill the great commandment and the second both of which become the catalyst of the great commission, which is to reach the world for Christ and to teach believers to be fully engaged Christ followers for the advancement of His Kingdom. AFM is organized to promote church and parachurch interests activities and evangelism consistent with Biblical principles and propagating the Christian faith and advancement of God’s Kingdom. This will be accomplished through education, motivation, involvement, and support of pastors, staff, churches, and missionaries.
Education includes programs and materials made available through teaching, print, and social media. The purpose of these materials will be to help pastors and their churches to reach not only their membership but also their community with the principles and concepts of Kingdom living.
Motivation involves encouragement of active participation personally and corporately in the advancement of the Kingdom and a Kingdom lifestyle locally and around the world.
Involvement will consist of opportunities to participate in programs and projects in which pastors, staff, churches, and individuals will be encouraged to participate with the giving of their time, abilities and economic support.
Support will be sought from pastors, staff, churches and parachurch boards to promote the Kingdom both here and abroad.
Support will also be offered to pastors, staff, churches and parachurch staff to fulfill their calling to advance God’s purposes here in this world.
AFM will seek to serve other agencies through consultation and project coordination with projects when are better served through cooperation or more than one agency.
Dr Vallen Prest with
Pastor Jaya & Lachmie Sankarin in India
Dr. Val speaking in a refugee camp in Sardinia
Dr Vallen Prest with Missionary Giuseppi Collesano speaking in Sicily