A team of four men and I recently returned from a mission trip to Sardinia. We handed out Bibles to refugees and proclaimed the Gospel message to them.
I have worked with refugees for several years supplying them with Bibles as God had been providing funds. We had recently reached one of our stated goals of raising funds to provide 10,000 Bibles. I had been sharing some of my stories and passion with some of my Bible study groups. I told them I was planning on a return trip to either Sicily or a new venture of exploring mission opportunities on the island of Sardinia.
As I shared my vision some of the guys wanted to know if they could come with me. I thought for a moment, felt a nudge from the Holy Spirit and said: “Sure, why not?”
My hope was to take them to Sicily and share with them some of the ministries we had been doing there my partner in crime Giuseppe Collesano had been talking with me about expanding our field to Sardinia but neither of us had been there and had only a contact or two on the island. When I found out that because it wasn’t the season that ferry boats only traveled to and from the island once a week I wasn’t in favor of going, especially when I had a group of men in tow.
I wasn’t happy with the way this trip was working out. Everything was new for me, new field and a team to lead. I had a few conversations with Father about this but He kept saying “GO!”
So I did and God blessed in unbelievable ways. The team was one of the best I’ve ever been involved with. God showed up in miraculous ways and we passed out over 700 Bibles in a variety of languages.
We witnessed God move among a house church and they dealt with some problems in their midst. People were saved and the church was on fire. They have committed to Giuseppe bringing the Splat Experience back to Sardinia and are sponsoring a city-wide evangelistic campaign later this year.
An elder in another church caught the vision of the local church ministering to refugees in camps in their town. I had been speaking that evening and had asked “Are you all in for Jesus or do you will have one foot in the boat and one foot trying to walk on water? You can’t do both you’re either all in or not in at all.” That evening Stefano told us he was all in.
Before we left to go back to the states he had already had gained permission to hold Bible studies and church services in one of the camps. He has also arranged to bring in the Jesus movie to show in the camp and is bringing a gospel music concert for the entire camp to enjoy.
All of this happened because I was willing to be obedient to Father’s leading.
Ever wonder what blessings we might be missing because we refuse to follow the direction of the Holy Spirit?
God is moving, lives are being changed and the Kingdom is advancing!
Dr. Val